Hex to RGBA conversion involves converting a hexadecimal color value to a corresponding RGBA color value. Hexadecimal (hex) is a coding system used to represent colors on the web, while RGBA stands for Red Green Blue Alpha and is another coding system used to represent colors in web development.

The conversion involves breaking down the hex code into its respective Red, Green, and Blue values and converting them to decimal values. Then, the alpha or opacity value is added, which represents the transparency of the color. This results in a RGBA color code that can be used in CSS, HTML, and other web development languages.

For example, the hex code #FF0000 (which represents the color red) can be converted to RGBA by dividing the hex code into its RGB components: R = FF (255), G = 00 (0), B = 00 (0). The alpha or opacity value can be set to 1 (100% opaque), resulting in the RGBA color code: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1).

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