Hex alpha refers to the alpha channel of a color, which determines its transparency or opacity. Hexadecimal (hex) notation is a way of representing colors in web design and graphic design using a combination of six or eight characters, typically including numbers and letters.
To convert a hex alpha value to a regular hex color code, you would need to remove the alpha channel component from the code. This can be done by simply removing the last two characters of the code, which represent the alpha value in hex notation.
For example, if the hex alpha code is #ff0000ff, the regular hex code for the color would be #ff0000. This is because the last two characters, "ff", represent the alpha channel value, which in this case is fully opaque (i.e. 100% opacity).
Similar tools
Convert your HEXA color format to RGB format.
Convert your HEXA color format to RGBA format.
Convert your HEXA color format to HSV format.
Convert your HEXA color format to HSL format.
Convert your HEXA color format to HSLA format.
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